Your First Prenatal Visit: Everything You Should Know

Your dream is finally coming true. You are pregnant! Once you come back down to earth and calm down, it’s time to start planning your first prenatal visit. Here’s everything you should know.

When to Schedule the Appointment

As soon as you are sure you are pregnant, call Women’s Care OBGYN, and tell them you want to schedule your first prenatal visit.  This appointment is typically held between the 6th and 10th week after your last menstrual period, however, you can schedule an early appointment, especially if you have any concerns.woman getting an ultrasound.

No matter when the appointment is scheduled, you are pregnant, so begin to change your lifestyle. No more happy hours and white wine.  Purchase and begin taking prenatal vitamins and plan healthy meals going forward.

What to Expect During Your First Prenatal Appointment

Don’t think you will be able to fit in your first prenatal appointment during your lunch hour. This is going to be an extended event so plan accordingly. Maybe take a friend or relative with you who can be your second set of ears. It’s hard to remember it all on your own.

Plan what you need to bring:

  • Your detailed medical history. This includes any chronic diseases, prior surgeries, vaccines you’ve had, and allergies you are aware of.
  • Detail any mental health issues like depression or anxiety and medications you currently take for it.
  • List Obstetrical history like previous pregnancies, complications, or any information about problematic deliveries.
  • List every medication you take both prescription and over the counter. This includes supplements and vitamins.
  • Are there any concerning health issues in your family or the father’s family history?

Expect that your OBGYN will do blood work.

There will be a thorough physical examination, blood tests, blood pressure, urine test, and a pelvic exam. Your obstetrician wants to eliminate any possible complications that may arise for you or your growing baby.

Expect to get a confirmation of your pregnancy and an approximate due date. This will be firmed up later.

One More Big Test

Many doctors perform an ultrasound on the first prenatal visit. There usually isn’t too much to see at this point, but it does confirm the fetal heartbeat and if there are multiples.

You should get at least one ultrasound in the second trimester between 18 and 22 weeks. Later they will look at the baby’s growth and the position of the placenta.

Your Job

Bring a list of questions you have for our OBGYNs. You won’t remember them if you don’t write them down.

Ask about how much to exercise, what vitamins to take, what symptoms should you expect, and what symptoms should prompt a call to the office.

Contact your doctor if you have pelvic pain or bleeding any time during your pregnancy.

Another one of your requirements is to keep all your appointments.

  • They should be scheduled every 4 weeks until week 28.
  • Every 2 weeks between week 28 and 36.
  • Weekly from week 36 until birth.

Your top priority is keeping you and your baby healthy. So maintain your prenatal visits.

Contact Women’s Care OBGYN at (913) 384-4990 to schedule your first prenatal appointment in Overland Park, KS.

Sources: Prenatal care: 1st trimester visits – Mayo Clinic

What to expect from your first prenatal appointment | HealthPartners Blog

1st Trimester: 1st Prenatal Visit (