Author: Womens Care OBGYN

The Importance of Postpartum Check-ups

After you give birth to that beautiful baby of yours, everything seems to be about the baby. You understood that during pregnancy, your own health was paramount in order to have a strong healthy baby. However, now that your child is born, taking care of yourself remains a priority, like focusing on the importance of postpartum check-ups.

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Practicing Self Care After Giving Birth

You have accomplished a miraculous thing. You grew a baby inside your body for nine months, and then gave birth to a healthy new human being. Think about that! Yes, millions of women have done that for centuries, but now you did it. Take a breath and settle into an entirely new life by practicing self care after giving birth.

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3rd Trimester Prenatal Appointments: What To Expect

You have made it through the 1st and 2nd trimester, and here you are approaching the finish line. Whew! Weeks 28 through 40 may seem like forever, but these are important weeks. Knowing what to expect during this time may ease any anxiety and help you get ready to greet your little one. With all that in mind, let’s look at 3rd trimester prenatal appointments so you know what to expect.

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What To Expect If You Have A C-Section Delivery

A cesarean birth is a surgical procedure used when a vaginal delivery is too risky. According to the CDC, C-sections account for approximately 30% of deliveries in the United States. It can be planned ahead of time or decided during labor if complications occur. Either way, here is what to expect if you have a C-section delivery.

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The Many Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Hysterectomy

Gone are the days of the old-fashioned hysterectomy with a large incision and many weeks of recovery. We have come a long way. Today there is a simpler and much less invasive technique to having a hysterectomy. Women’s Care has a partner, and it’s a robot. Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of robotic-assisted hysterectomy.

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How To Be As Healthy As Possible Before The First OB Appointment

After dreaming about it, planning for it, and deciding on a time frame, you are finally going to begin a family. There is one more goal that is essential. Getting your body ready for pregnancy should be at the top of your list. As soon as you make the decision to conceive, start focusing on how to be as healthy as possible before the first OB appointment.

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